Short Sales

What is a Short Sale?
Benefits of a Short Sale
When you fear that you may fall into foreclosure, your bank may agree to a short sale. A short sale allows you to sell your home for less than the balance remaining on your mortgage and helps you avoid going into forclosure.
Eliminate or Reduce your mortgage debt
Avoid the negative impact of foreclosure
Start repairing your credit sooner than if you went through foreclosure
May be eligle for a Fannie Mae mortage to purchase a home sooner (in as little as 2 years) than if you go through foreclosure
We have seasoned professionals ready to help you during this difficult time. Please give us a call, or send us an email and we can help walk you through the short sale process
What is the process for a Short Sale?
If you qualify for this option, the proces is similar to a normal real estate sales transaction. You will work with our agent that specializes in Short Sales. They will market and sell your home in the same fashion as traditional real estate.
Your mortgage company will also be working with you and your agent every step of the way to:
Set the sale price (based on current market values)
Collect financial information and negotiate with other lien holders (i.e. your second mortgage company) if applicable
Review acceptable offers
Agree to the terms of the sale once a buyer is in place and
Finalize the sale